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Gunter 2 car flip
Assigned, NormalPublic


My friend and I had a Gunter 2 parked in the woods in between 3 fir trees, and had both front tires, battery, and sparkplugs off. When my friend put the right front tire back on, the car flipped up into the air, killing him, and then the car continued to flip and spin, seemingly randomly, in the air and hitting the ground, then flying up and spinning more for approximately 30-45 seconds before finally coming to a stop. After which, every component of the car was ruined.


Have Not Tried
Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Game Physics
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Park Gunter 2 between some fir trees
  2. Remove both front tires
  3. Put a tire back on
Additional Information

The car had no side doors, had a pristine hood and trunk lid, a full pristine radiator, about 1/8 tank of gas, 2 pristine headlight bulbs equipped, 2 pristine wheels plus the one that was added that made it flip out, and some firewood, a glow stick, and maybe some ammo and a rifle in the trunk.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Dec 14 2020, 12:43 PM