Update the minefield site module function (\a3\modules_f\sites\site_inits\minefield.sqf) so the mines created are referenced on the module.
private _minesType = _this getVariable "minesType"; private _minesCnt = parseNumber (_this getVariable "minesCount"); private _axisA = parseNumber (_this getVariable "axisA"); private _axisB = parseNumber (_this getVariable "axisB"); private _dir = direction _this; private _shape = _this getVariable "shape"; private _h = 0; if (_minesType == "UnderwaterMine") then {_h = -2}; _getPos = {}; if (_shape == "rectangle") then { _getPos = { _pos = [0,0,0]; _coef = 1; if (random 1 >= 0.5) then {_coef = -1}; _hpos = [_this, (random _axisB) * _coef, _dir] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _coef = 1; if (random 1 >= 0.5) then {_coef = -1}; _pos = [_hpos, (random _axisA) * _coef, _dir + 90] call BIS_fnc_relPos; [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, _h]; }; } else { _getPos = { _dir2 = random 360; _dir3 = _dir2 - _dir; _line1 = sqrt (((_axisA^2) * (_axisB^2)) / ((_axisB^2) + ((_axisA^2) * ((1/(tan _dir3))^2)))); _line2 = _line1 * (1/(tan _dir3)); _line = sqrt ((_line1^2) + (_line2)^2); _pos = [_this, random _line, _dir2] call BIS_fnc_relPos; [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, _h]; }; }; // check if minefield should be randomized private _randomizeMines = false; if(_minesType in ["BombCluster_01_UXO1_F","BombCluster_02_UXO1_F","BombCluster_03_UXO1_F"])then { _randomizeMines = true; }; //Store references to created mines _mines = []; for [{_x = 0}, {_x < _minesCnt}, {_x = _x + 1}] do { // randomize minefield if UXO is detected if(_randomizeMines)then { _minesType = (_minesType select [0,18]) + str(ceil(random(4))) + "_F"; }; _pos = call _getPos; if (_minesType == "UnderwaterMineAB") then {_pos = [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, getTerrainHeightASL _pos]}; _mine = createMine [_minesType, _pos, [], 0]; _mine setDir (random(360)); //Store created mine _mines pushBack _mine; {_side = _x; if (_side getFriend (_this call BIS_getCorrectSiteSide) == 1 || (_this getVariable "marked") == "Everyone") then {_side revealMine _mine}} forEach [WEST, EAST, RESISTANCE]; }; //Place reference to created mines on module _this setVariable[ "mines", _mines, true ];