Using hiddenSelectionsMaterials on anything that has seperate rvmats set up for a damaged or destroyed appearance (eg infantry and vehicles) breaks this system, meaning such objects won't ever appear damaged or destroyed, and there is no other way to use custom rvmats purely through config stuff. This puts a bit of a limit on how extensively one can reskin a uniform or a vehicle.
As such, I was wondering if it were possible to make two new parameters that could be used, in a similar manner to hiddenSelectionsMaterials, to replace the rvmats used for damaged and destroyed graphics.
A config using these parameters could look something like this:
hiddenSelections[]= { "Camo1", "Camo2" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "filepath\texture1_co.paa", "filepath\texture2_co.paa" }; hiddenSelectionsMaterials[]= { "filepath\customrvmat1.rvmat", "filepath\customrvmat2.rvmat" }; hiddenSelectionsDamagedMaterials[]= { "filepath\customdamagedrvmat1.rvmat", "filepath\customdamagedrvmat2.rvmat" }; hiddenSelectionsDestroyedMaterials[]= { "filepath\customdestroyedrvmat1.rvmat", "filepath\customdestroyedrvmat2.rvmat" };
and a TextureSources equivalent could be something like this:
class customskin { displayname = "custom skin"; author = "author person"; textures[]= { "filepath\texture1_co.paa", "filepath\texture2_co.paa" }; materials[]= { "filepath\customrvmat1.rvmat", "filepath\customrvmat2.rvmat" }; materialsDamaged[]= { "filepath\customdamagedrvmat1.rvmat", "filepath\customdamagedrvmat2.rvmat" }; materialsDestroyed[]= { "filepath\customdestroyedrvmat1.rvmat", "filepath\customdestroyedrvmat2.rvmat" }; factions[]= { "customfaction" }; };