So yesterday I made a bad manipulation, I changed the configuration of a key, mouse movement from right to left in camera admin, and impossible to put it back from the games.
After some research on the internet, there was an explanation and it said to change it from the file "RqB.dayz_preset_User.xml", which I did then I got the error message "The serever does not accept the client's current filepatching setting. "
I did several manipulations (delete the file in question) but still the same problem. I uninstall and then reinstall Dayz and no changes.
The only solution I found to go to my server was through DZSALauncher. And I don't want to go through third party software.
Notice you an idea of how to fix the problem.
Thank you.
- Severity
- Block
- Resolution
- Open
- Reproducibility
- N/A
- Operating System
- Windows 10
- Category
- General
Steps To Reproduce
all is in descritption
Additional Information
Event Timeline
Comment Actions
Hello RqB.
Is this a problem only for the specific server? And are you connecting through the DayZ Server browser or are you using any third party launchers?