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A crazy bug report from our subscriber. PS4. Apparently he died and now endlessly roams across the alternate reality.
Need More Info, UrgentPublic


I tinkered with NAT settings from a console safe mode with help of Sony support, and now for some reason cannot die in DayZ. After I tried to suicide once, I cannot perform any action including selecting a weapon, and receive no fall damage. Despite health being blinking red with three downside chevrons, the character does not emit pain sounds, sprints just fine and always have a full stamina. Sprinting into a wall or any obstacle causes me to glitch right through it.
I connect to all the servers for a ridiculously long time, and then there are no infected on the streets, and seemingly no other survivors either. I can hear rainstorm sounds, but see no rain.

I tried to reboot the console and reinstalling the game, to no help. How do I die in DayZ when the game doesn't allow me it :(


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Aug 6 2020, 11:26 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello RussianCommunity.DuskGames.
This looks like a synchronisation problem between your console and the server. What was the nature of the changes in your NAT?

After I seemingly managed to die, I got the character changed alright, but the situation stays kinda the same. This time I can see the infected, but their models are immobile despite being able to damage me, and I cannot move through their "ghosts".
I changed NAT from 3 to 1 because it prevented me from playing the other game I bought. But the problem appeared after switching the console to "safe mode"