Hello Bohemia,
I have a small clan of people that plays "Arma 3" each weekend.
I make the cooperative missions using Eden editor.
"Arma 3" has several annoying issues regarding AI behaviors but there's one that is absolutely horrific and on the top of the list.
It would be awesome if you guys (at Bohemia) could do something about this.
The issue is:
We play our missions using several small teams comprise of 4 "AI-units" plus the human leader.
Each team has it's own "combat medic" (AI unit).
So where is the problem?
Well the problem is that:
If the human player (team leader) is incapacitated by enemy fire, 2 horrific things happen:
1 - The next AI in the chain of command takes control of the team and always makes wrong decisions that usually leads to the death of the team.
2 - The combat medic only does what the new AI team leader instructs him to do.
Meaning: If the team is under fire, the new AI team leader ignores that the team leader (human player) is incapacitated and the medic help never comes.
This behavior may seems logic if the AI leader was smart enough to maintain the cover position (under combat) and make all efforts to treat the Team Leader but, unfortunately this is not the case.
So, we propose a change in this behavior for the AI units:
1st - If the team leader is incapacitated and not dead, all AI units should remain where they are following the last order given by the team leader, that stills alive. No AI unit should be allowed to take control of the team before the Team Leader his deceased.
2nd - The combat medic should be the only AI unit able to make some limited decisions in order to move and assist the team leader.
If necessary, it would be able to request cover from the rest of the AI units.
Lets say that the combat medic (if available) should be the only AI unit allowed to take some "sort-of-control" over the team AI units, requesting cover-fire, for the propose of assist the incapacitated team leader.
This behavior would make a lot more sense and it wouldn't lead to consecutive frustrations of the human players.
It his horrific being incapacitated and see your team being completely decimated due to questionable AI decisions /strategies under intense combat situations.
Many thanks for your time, and please help us (the players) to make "Arma 3" the military simulation of choice (that offers more joy than AI frustrations).