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In 1.07 patch I can’t have more when 1 character on official and social servers.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


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Operating System
Windows 10
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Steps To Reproduce

While connect to server, game automatically use one of your chosen slot with character. If you play in 2 teams, you need 2 characters, but if you try to create it, and connect game with 2nd character, game think what you connect with main character, and give you 75 secs of penalty and change your location.
In 1.06 patch, you have at least 2 slots to official servers, and you can change it, to play with different teams.
1 step - create a character
2 step - connect to server
3 step - leave game session
4 step - create new character
5 step - connect to different server
6 step - you notice what you connect with 75 secs penalty and your 1st character

Event Timeline

STR8RUNNER renamed this task from In 1.07 patch I can have more when 1 character on official and social servers. to In 1.07 patch I can’t have more when 1 character on official and social servers..
Geez closed this task as Resolved.Feb 13 2020, 2:46 PM
Geez claimed this task.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

There never has been a possibility to have more characters than one on a specfic community server or the same hive. On the Official servers, there are two hives, one for the third person view servers and one for the first person view servers. (You would have one character per each of these hives). On community servers you have one character per the server due to the characters being stored in the server database file that is specific to the server.