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NVGs "turn off" randomly
Closed, ResolvedPublic


At random intervals, the global illumination (brightness) effect of the NVGs will turn off. The green coloration and noise effect remain, but the screen becomes as dark or darker than the night. This often affects multiple players on the same server simultaneously, but it can also happen to one player and not happen to another. This may happen once a night or several times in the course of a few seconds.

WORK AROUND: You can fix the issue by aiming down the sights of a gun after it has happened. The issue may happen while you are aiming down your sights. If this happens, lower your weapon and do it again. Equivalent control inputs (raising hands, melee weapons or other objects) does not work. Turning the NVGs off and then back on also fixes issue, but takes longer.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Turn on NVGs.
  2. Wait
Additional Information

We have not been able to pin down a cause for this, but our best guess is that it is happening when other players log in/spawn, as it seems much more common on high pop servers, especially near the coast (the worst being near Kami/Electro). Players with slower, older systems sometimes don't experience it when people with faster, modern systems do, but the inverse case almost never happens. Perhaps players querying a specific server parameter at specific times can receive a bad value.

Event Timeline

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jan 7 2020, 1:49 PM
Geez claimed this task.
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello StaticNull.
This issue has been resolved internally and will be fixed on Steam in the future.