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Here we go again
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An other day and other day that I got dayZed.

(playing on a single player LAN game to exclude server and player issues from my game experience)
So the car that disappeared on me in one of my last reports reappeared after relogging, YES! (except for the annoying bug)

Well on one of my resource gathering rounds with the car I ruined my radiator but I came prepared, I took my emergency kit out of the trunk and made my way back to base on foot.
after a day of travel I arrived back at base and was lucky enough the find a radiator upon arrival. I restocked at base and traveled back. when I arrived back at the location where I 100% certain left the broken car it had disappeared. THESE THINGS RUIN THE EXPERIENCE!!! if this was online I would have thought that an other player probably found it but that is impossible in my LAN setting. So either infected learned to drive or the most likely cause an other game breaking bug in dayZ


Have Not Tried
Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
10.0.18362 build 18362
Steps To Reproduce

Get a car leave it behind for 2 dayZzz and poof it's gone the dayZzz of harry houdini or potter.

Additional Information

What was that thing about dayZ adding persistence?
DayZ loses more information on a daily basis then a clinton does in a full campaign!

Ps. the Categories below seem like a copy paste from arma 3. please make them related to the game when you ask me to fill them out. and can things like OS and OS.v. not be profile based?

Event Timeline

Geez added a subscriber: Geez.Dec 17 2019, 3:09 PM

Hello xetrius1990.
Were there any server restarts after you left the vehicle and then returned back to it? As it is a known issue that server restarts can result in vehicles being moved in to objects. This destroys them and they are despawned afterwards.

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Dec 17 2019, 3:09 PM

Had this exact thing happen; left a vehicle parked in a warehouse; locked behind multiple gates- logged out, logged back in a few hours later aaaaand its gone. there probably was a server restart.

Hello Geez,
there was no server restart, it broke down and I went to get a new radiator only to find out it had disappeared in that same game session. it took about two ingame days

Geez added a comment.EditedJan 6 2020, 10:24 AM

Hello again.
Since you mention ruined radiator, is it possible that the whole vehicle was in a state beyond repair? As such vehicle will despawn. (Vehicles have their own "health" as well and can be destroyed, replacing ruined parts in that case will not fix them and they will despawn).

No it was purely the radiator as I hit a tree with the front after coming out of a sharp turn at low speed