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This should be a priority to assure playability
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This is a form to report an issue from the PC VERSION of the game - for Xbox/PS4 issues use their respective forms from the dropdown menu (delete this prior to creating the ticket)

Games take long to develop and the community respects the fact that not everything is created in an instant, but some things should work near flawless to create a non frustrating gaming experience even in it's playable development phase.

One of the major features of the game is it's inventory system, and that is also where I encounter a lot of problems and I am not the only one.

Earlier this week I picked up Livonia, after some survival attempts I started to collect the materials needed to build a small base to make the future easier.
But it backfired not because I got raided or because I died but because the inventory system is really flawed.
I want to build a fence to fence of a single entrance building for storage, its a tight fit but after a bit I find the sweet spot and it allows me to place the fence kit I spend hours searching for a shovel and it paid off I dig in the poles and start attaching all the needed materials only to find out that when I try to build the fence foundation (lower and upper) it does the animation but when it is finished it fails to spawn the fence foundation.

If the fence kit is placeable it SHOULD allow me to build it to completion.

But let's own the problem as it is still in development, maybe I placed the fence to close to the barrel and storage crates.
Well a full barrel needs to be emptied before it can be moved, makes sense but can be very annoying (maybe add some kind of hand cart for moving full barrels).
So where do I place all the items while moving it, after considering placing them on the ground with the risk of losing them, and moving the fence location (not possible because of "in the middle of nowhere" location) I settle on using some of the building materials to build storage crates, so I can move the items to those crates then build the fence and then move them back in. But after I build the things I take out a bag of fertilizer and try to place it in the crate (inventory - hands - crate) but it doesn't work I rotate it drop it on the floor throw it and pick it up by holding 'F' try to place it from vicinity into the crate, from vicinity to the crate while the crate is in my hand nothing worked so I want to place the fertilizer back in my barrel but it also doesn't work.

Why can't I move object O from inventory A to inventory B

I encounter this problem not once but pretty much the whole time while playing and with the amount of inventory management it is a real pain to deal with for every player.
Pick up a gun - eject mag - mag bugged - place gun on the ground - pick back up 'F' - if an other mag is present reload 'R' the mag maybe it unbugs, else search for an other gun - encounter the same problem when finally found.
If I have to guess where it goes wrong then it would most likely be the combination of the 'keybound direct inventory management' and the 'click and drag inventory management' systems, but that's just a guess that seems likely to me.

PLEASE make this a high priority, it has been an issue as long as I can remember and I hoped that the new engine would have fixed it but this is a copy-paste problem.

The game and it's community (and therefore the company) would benefit greatly it the core mechanics would work near flawless, this is the first game I played with such a broken inventory system. HOW can you think about making DLC's if the games most used mechanics are broken to it's core.

Ps. about the DLC, since I already paid for the damn ARMA 3 Contact DLC, it should have been a thanks for your support gift in DayZ instead of a let's milk them for all they have - well next time it's gonna be milk powder as I cried all the fluids away for this game - after all it's war and survival against the aliens and infected people might as well just KOS and take them for all they have got, right...?


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
10.0.18362 build 18362
Steps To Reproduce

Steps are hard to give in this case as it is the games core mechanic, every game session it's a problem, maybe a gun maybe a barrel maybe a crate (livonia seemingly more then chernarus)

The only consistent thing is that it happens with items that (can) contain items.
Play the game, you can't miss it, and might quit because of it!

Else just Copy-Paste-Profit to reproduce (You know... just like livonia)

Additional Information
  • UPDATE --------------------------------------------------

I just hosted a LAN server to play a singleplayer version of DayZ and found out that all the inventory management issues disappeared so a solution to (most of) the earlier mentioned will be found on the server communication side.
This makes me think of some of the other problems I have encountered in the past, server lag/disruption when you enter the sphere of an other player as well as server kicks on the most inconvenient moments like when a gunfight is likely to ensue.
Not sure how it is build but it could possibly arise from a data mismatch between players.

Event Timeline

xetrius1990 updated the task description. (Show Details)Dec 12 2019, 9:45 AM
xetrius1990 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)

Update 2

In the LAN game setting I also encounter the inventory issues, not all can be described to server communication