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Cannot Launch Dayz Launcher
Assigned, NormalPublic


Dear support team,

I run into the following issue{F1287017} and its causing me to be unable to play on the server i play on. I can seem to start the normal game but am unable to launch it through the launcher.
I have already tried the following:
Restart Steam
Reinstall Dayz
Reinstall Steam
Download Dayz through a different account
Tried to reinstall the visual redist 2013 3x and included restarts
I already removed all mods even from my launcher and unsubbed to all of them but it still remains the same issue for some reason and its either steam or its dayz itself because this is no longer on my end.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Pro 1903 OS-Build 18362.418
Steps To Reproduce

Simply open dayz and it stays the same

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.EditedOct 16 2019, 12:14 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello wolfbot23.
Are the redist packages for visual studio 2013 you are using up to date? Also, has this started to occur upon a specific change in software on your computer or possibly after an update to the game? Do you know when approximately have you started to experience this issue?

Yes they are . Ive installed the most frequent one. This happened after i installed dayz tools and pbo manager. I started to experience this issue yesterday because the day before i installed the dayz tools and pbo manager and i had not launched the game that day.

Okay so i managed to solve the issue.
I saw an arma 3 post and a dev suggested that it had something to do with dots and comma's and such and he/she suggested a new steam library to be made. I made a new steam library and removed all the addons as well just to be sure and it magically launches. Issue solved but maybe a good idea to save this solution somewhere ^^