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Multiple server crashes within a short time bacause of car flying/glitching bug + inventory bug - Since Vers. 1.05 - 152451
New, NormalPublic


  1. Cars are thrown back while driving through invisible walls partially through the soil. After then, can´t leave vehicle with F. Unable to join again till ame or server will be restart.
  1. Inventory handling problems. Can no longer absorb Items. After left server unable to join again till game or server will be restart.

  1. In some times server automatic restart!


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Can not reproduce it directly. I use only streets and drive not over barriers. To climp up hills i use the shift for more power. (Gutner, but i thinks it´s not only this car) Other player lost the Sarka (flying away) on the mainroad without some sights before.
  1. Can not reproduce it directly. Take items, switch items from ground, tents to inventory or other side.
Additional Information

*1+2: In both moments by leaving the server the message do not show coundown time.

Event Timeline

Additional information:

After using fence-kit the game is hang off in crafting mode.

After restart the game fault is delete - can join again.

Emil.Rothenberg changed Severity from Crash to Major.
Emil.Rothenberg edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
Emil.Rothenberg updated the task description. (Show Details)
Emil.Rothenberg changed Severity from Major to Crash.
andro_dawton added a subscriber: andro_dawton.EditedSep 23 2019, 9:16 AM

Hi Emil, ich bin ueber dein Ticket gestolpert.
Wenn du den Devs helfen willst, erstelle fuer jedes Thema ein eigenes Ticket.
btw.: Der unbekannte Fehler kommt wohl daher das du zu schnell auf join klickst. Warte mal 15 Sekunden, dann sollte es gehen.

Hallo Andro,

der Logout geht bei mir 5 Sekunden. Hat damit leider nichts zu tun. Trotzdem Danke für Deinen Tipp.