So when creating a mod i came across an issue and im not sure if it is intended or not.
So empty p3d's can be used for creating new or additional slots to a prexisting slot item. You then use those for proxy attaching more than one of the same kind of item attachment in that "attachment slot".
For reference/example, like how the current grenades work on attaching to vests. Can attach multiple grenades to the vest and it can be any grenade as long as it has the proper "cfg slots and attachment" for it in the config.. Or like how you have multiple attachments to the body to hold multiple "shoulder" or rifle attachments.
Its works fine for Rifles.
However it doesnt for pistols.... I want to be able to do this but with pistols. I want to be able to create multiple "pistol" attachment slots for a single item.
So instead of only being able to only use a single attachment in config like so
attachments = "pistol"
Instead, I want to be able to create more slots in the config that extends from the vanilla "pistol" slot attachment. Here is some examples from the config, not pretty but it should show what im tryin to do.
attachments[] = {"Pistol", "Pistol1","Pistol2",Pistol3","Pistol4"}; class GUIInventoryAttachmentsProps { class Pistolslots { name = "Pistol"; description = ""; attachmentSlots[] = {"Pistol", "Pistol1","Pistol2",Pistol3","Pistol4"}; icon = "pistol"; }; }; }; class CfgSlots { class Slot_Pistol1 { name="Pistol"; displayName="Pistol1"; ghostIcon="Pistol"; show="true"; }; class Slot_Pistol2 { name="Pistol"; displayName="Pistol2"; ghostIcon="Pistol"; show="true"; }; class Slot_Pistol3 { name="Pistol"; displayName="Pistol3"; ghostIcon="Pistol"; show="true"; }; class Slot_Pistol4 { name="Pistol"; displayName="Pistol4"; ghostIcon="Pistol"; show="true"; }; }; class CfgNonAIVehicles { class ProxyAttachment; class Proxy_pistolproxy1: ProxyAttachment { scope=2; inventorySlot="Pistol"; model="\proxies\PistolProxy1.p3d"; }; class Proxy_pistolproxy2: ProxyAttachment { scope=2; inventorySlot="Pistol"; model="\proxies\PistolProxy2.p3d"; }; class Proxy_pistolproxy3: ProxyAttachment { scope=2; inventorySlot="Pistol"; model="\proxies\PistolProxy3.p3d"; }; class Proxy_pistolproxy4: ProxyAttachment { scope=2; inventorySlot="Pistol"; model="\proxies\PistolProxy4.p3d"; }; };
Trying to create new slots for more "pistol" attachments doesnt work. Only the vanilla "pistol" attachment works and i can not create more pistol attachments from it so i can proxy multiple pistols to a single item.