Hands got bugged every time I tried to switch a bigger item in inventory to smaller one. Afterwards it gets bugged in hands and you can't drop item from your hands on the ground by holding "G", neither you can throw it away. It stays always in your hands. Only thing that helps is relogging the server/restarting the game.This bug happens with different items, not only with duct tape.
I have tried this several times and it happens every time.
- take item in your hands ( for example 2x2 item - can of food, duct tape etc. );
- try to switch this item with some other item (smaller item - 1x1 - epoxy putty, sheep meat, etc..);
- try to drop it, pull out from vicinity tab, throw away, switch with other items (if it's a can of food, try to open it and eat it);
- relog the server.
Added a video.