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Yesterday had 3-4 connection issues to an official UK server that eventually went offline for about 10 minutes. Rejoined today and found myself teleported to the other side of the map.

Since my last teleportation (last week) where i ended up dead this one i did not, but since last death i have never swapped server, so i wish to make that point of those who claim server swapping is the cause of teleportation as dead.


Unable To Reproduce
Operating System
Windows 10
Steps To Reproduce

Based on feed back from last email to company i can not.

Additional Information

A UK official Server had several issues of connection yesterday in a period of ten minutes and during one of those disconnects i was in the process of burying a crate, i noticed when i reconnected i had duplicate kit in my crate.
This was something that also occured last week when i had my first teleportation. Though this is no complaint as i ended up with 2 NVGS instead of 1 and duplicate weapons.
After burying the crate yesterday and leaving the server, i rejoined same server today and this is when i teleported.

Event Timeline

FyrdJudge updated the task description. (Show Details)
FyrdJudge updated the task description. (Show Details)
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Aug 14 2019, 4:18 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello FyrdJudge.
Has the teleportation occurred upon connecting to the same server as you were on previously, or have you connected to another server? As there is a system in place to prevent server hopping into players bases / loot areas that changes characters location when changing servers on the official hive.

Hello Geez,

I only use one official server and that is the same one all this year, so the answer is yes the teleportation occurred on the same server.