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Spawned Ada 4x4 will sink after some times into the ground
Need More Info, NormalPublic


Found a fresh respawned Ada 4x4. It was installed one wheel. I took loot into it and install an battery. After some times the Ada sunk more and more into the ground. After a serverrestart the car wasn´t on his spawned position. Think it will be ruined by sinking in ground.


Operating System
Windows 7
Additional Information

Often it need time for sinking in ground. Not necessary on which ground it stand.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Aug 5 2019, 11:47 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Emil.Rothenberg.
Does the sinking occur while the server is running or have you observed the sinking upon a server restart by any chance?

Emil.Rothenberg added a comment.EditedAug 7 2019, 1:39 PM

Hi Greez,

The car sinks more and more in ground after every serverrestart. But my cars which i had sighted had only on or two wheels.

Brainstorming: I think you can fix the problem, if cars will respaw whith 4 wheels. So it should stand on solid ground all the times. I Think it´s not necessary if the wheels are prestine or ruined.


Additional information:

The car switch his position every time when the server was restarted. This car has also only one or two wheels. Look to the picture ->

Additional information:

In some times if i found a spawned car or i parked my car there are some serios sounds there:

At this moment i know after the server restart there will be problems with the car. (other positions, damage or sinking in ground)
The onliest way to stopp this is to drive to an other place or to set more wheels to the spawned car for stable standing.