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DayZ 1.04 stable Server Hopping
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Hi dear,

Here I am starting to represent people (almost 2 hundred) who play DayZ since version 0.42. You should know that we were severely disappointed with last update 1.04 when we log on some official server and spawns at the coast, also more than 10 times, people spawn on our side due to this new server feature. NO ONE can imagine what will happen when log on in a server.
Now no one can guess where it will be spawn and if there will not be people close, i.e., it is not possible to treat or predict any enemy threat in this sense and this makes the game not only frustrating but unfeasible. Previously, when we were in a hostile area the player could assume or treat an enemy threat from someone already online or even from someone who could spawn near to him.
Therefore, this server hopping issue should be removed or, at least, predicted to spawn at nearby points.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Just trying to logon in an official server.

Event Timeline

OrcNator created this task.Jun 26 2019, 8:29 PM
OrcNator updated the task description. (Show Details)
OrcNator updated the task description. (Show Details)Jun 26 2019, 8:32 PM
4NDRO1D removed a subscriber: 4NDRO1D.
Jammet added a subscriber: Jammet.Jun 26 2019, 10:23 PM

I agree, this needs to see change, because it drastically impacts core gameplay for myself, and all my friends in DayZ, and I expect, many more people.
I've outlined in why I think it's a bad idea, as well.

Unknown Object (User) added a subscriber: Unknown Object (User).Jun 26 2019, 10:47 PM

You are not trying to represent the opinion of two hundred people here, you trying to represent your ineptitude in playing the game, if you decided to play on a server with the public hive then please welcome to deal with it, you won't be able to steal peoples loot, dupe, combat log and raid bases using server hopping anymore.

docterv93 added a subscriber: docterv93.EditedJun 27 2019, 6:05 AM
In T141508#1900643, @mov3ax wrote:

You are not trying to represent the opinion of two hundred people here, you trying to represent your ineptitude in playing the game, if you decided to play on a server with the public hive then please welcome to deal with it, you won't be able to steal peoples loot, dupe, combat log and raid bases using server hopping anymore.

So I’m a duper cuz I want to play on high pop official sever when they die out cuz of night? Not everyone who plays on official is a cheating server hopping loot hunger person. What your saying is not making any sense

In T141508#1900643, @mov3ax wrote:

You are not trying to represent the opinion of two hundred people here, you trying to represent your ineptitude in playing the game, if you decided to play on a server with the public hive then please welcome to deal with it, you won't be able to steal peoples loot, dupe, combat log and raid bases using server hopping anymore.

Dear mov3ax thats not our case, we just are proposing the main idea used for server hoping. We don't want to use that as dupper or as cheater (like you mean and strange well know...) but to provide a competent alternative to solve the situation and not a quick temporary solution.
Please, don't be rude and don't be angry this is a gentleman discussion.