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Bolting/Pumping a new round is often unresponsive
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There have been many times where I am trying to pump a new shotgun slug or bolt a new mosin round during a close quarters situation and the game simply doesn’t let it happen, no matter how many times I spam r.

I feel like it has something to do with player velocity— I think it’s bad design not being able to bolt/pump awhile sprinting (there’s a delay even after you let go of shift where you still cant even pump.)

It’d feel 100x nicer if you could simply pump/bolt awhile sprinting, since there seems to be a delay with the server understanding what your velocity is.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Up to date
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Get a gamer friend. Or go hunt someone down.
  2. Have a close quarters battle with him, both use pumps or bolties.
  3. Experience the frustration.
  4. Realize pumping and bolting could be made more responsive.
Additional Information

DayZ’s gunplay is overall in a pretty good spot right now, you guys are doing a great job, but it really needs some little tweaks.

It is good to know you changed magazine reloading for the next update, a step into the right direction. BRING BACK BONE DAMAGE AND BROKEN LIMBS!

Event Timeline

mrjoe created this task.Jun 24 2019, 11:35 PM