selectionPosition on "leftleg" of a "Man" entity returns a position at the groin.
- Severity
- Minor
- Resolution
- Open
- Reproducibility
- N/A
- Operating System
- Windows 7
- Category
- Scripting
Enter any mission with a player character and debug console access. Execute the following script while your player is standing.
private _selectionNamesMan = [ "spine1", "spine2", "spine3", "head", "leftshoulder", "leftarm", "leftforearm", "lefthand", "rightshoulder", "rightarm", "rightforearm", "righthand", "pelvis", "leftupleg", "leftleg", "leftfoot", "rightupleg", "rightleg", "rightfoot" ]; private _object = player; { deleteVehicle _x } foreach allsimpleobjects ["Land_Baseball_01_F"]; private _positions = _selectionNamesMan apply { _object selectionPosition [_x, "HitPoints"] }; _position = _positions select { not (_x isEqualTo [0,0,0]) }; { createSimpleObject ["Land_baseball_01_F", ATLtoASL (_object modeltoworld _x)]; } forEach _positions;
Move your character away and you'll see baseballs at each of the named selection positions. The left leg (knee) is noticeably absent. If you reduce the list of selection names to just "leftleg", you'll find that that one baseball will appear at the player's groin.
Any system that involves allowing a player to interact with or indicate body parts is going to be a bit confusing.
Event Timeline
And now it's working correctly. Same code, same game session, but the knee baseball now shows up where it should.
Another day in paradise.
Ah. One change was made. I went from
_object selectionPosition [_x, "HitPoints"]
_object selectionPosition _x
For whatever reason, asking for the selection position as "HitPoints" doesn't return a good value for "leftleg"