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Night Time
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Hi first,
I am a big DayZ fan and have over 1800 hours of play.
I'm so happy that it is now going to the beta, BUT with the darkness you have to change. You can not play as it is now. one spwaned in complete darkness, the torch is off after 5 min. Then you stand there and see absolutely nothing, despite the starry night.

I like playing exclusively on the official server. In the evenings, when I bring my kids to bed and want to play DayZ, it's not possible because the servers are always at night, and you're stuck in the night.

And I'm not the only one who can only play in the evening. There are not all 14 year old children who then play during the day.

How about timeshift on the official, so could you wait until tomorrow? The darkness in the 0.62 versions was completely ok ...

The problem really bothers me ... If that stays that way you will lose the players


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
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Event Timeline

Vitdom added a subscriber: Vitdom.Nov 10 2018, 10:03 PM

We need to replace spawning with the flare to instead with a flashlight + battery!

that is no solution. How long should the battery last? 10 min?
just make it a bit brighter so you see something and no black hole.

That's really stupid, honest.

come from the late shift, dayz wants to play, and then, all black. EVERY DAY! That can not be serious