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Beta - Latency Kick
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Alright so I'm playing your game for 5 years now and ALWAYS had shitty internet. It pissed me off ofcourse but I was able to play by sitting out sudden high pings which just occour randomly. Now with the new version on stable the game will kick me from the servers with the message 'your latency is too high' YES I KNOW IT IS but DONT KICK ME cause then I won't be able to play. Seriously. Please please change that back cause this is unaccaptable for me. I went through almost every stress test with my connection and I'm supporting and trusting you since the beginning. Please don't break the game for me after all that time.


Operating System
Windows 7 x64

Event Timeline

Vitdom added a subscriber: Vitdom.Nov 10 2018, 10:05 PM

How long do these high ping spikes last?

I do not know how long those spikes last. I think just for a brief moment and then go back to normal but that brief moment get's me kicked. Before when I could play I got heavy lag (probably due to ping spikes) for like half a minute of lagging around the area.

btw I'm sorry for probably being a liiittle over dramatic with this issue/post... was just really shocked when it happened