On the official SteamCMD website, there is an autoupdating server script that works with "any" game. It checks the Steam API every minute and downloads a json formatted game schema and compares it to a previously downloaded game version. If they differ, it auto updates the game. This does not work for DayZ because the game version published stays the same within the Steam API Schema.
- SteamCMD Reference (under Windows Software/Scripts):
- SteamCMD Autoupdate Any Gameserver:
Here is the current json presented by SteamAPI for DayZ:
{"game":{"gameName":"DayZ Server","gameVersion":"5","availableGameStats":{}}}
The information doesn't change, especially "gameVersion" so Steam enabled applications may not notice an update if they are reading from the API.
Here is the URL to access this information from the SteamAPI (using Batch/CMD %variable%):