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Animation bug
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After switching from a mele weapon (Splitting axe in my case) to a pistol or a flashlight (item held by one hand) the character animation stops at the end of putting the axe on the back and equips selected item. (This whole bug is done via having the items in a quick selection bar) .

Axe in the hands (Pressed 1): Step 1
Switching to pistol (Pressed 2): Step 2
Trying to right click with pistol equipped while the animation is broken (Hold right mouse button): Step 3

My inventory and how my quick selection bar is set: inventory/quick bar.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Have An axe equipped (or any two hand mele weapon, need to test it) in the 1st quick selection bar square.
Have a pistol or an item that is held by one hand in the 2nd quick selection bar square.

Press 1 (Wait till the animation of getting the axe from the back finishes)
Press 2
Hold right mouse button.

Event Timeline

Laty created this task.Nov 9 2018, 12:31 PM
Vitdom added a subscriber: Vitdom.Nov 10 2018, 10:17 PM

I'm getting the same issue.