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AR-2 laser designator
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Hi the AR-2 does not see its own laser spot therefore won't share it via datalink for other units.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
AI Spotting / Detection
Steps To Reproduce

Load the darter on map and lase anything. You will notice it doesn't spot it or report it. Simple fix is give the darter the ability to spot laser targets

Event Timeline

Wulf changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Nov 23 2018, 3:28 PM
Wulf added a subscriber: Wulf.


Thank you for the report. I think you need to elaborate because I have tested the AR-2 and regarding the "AR-2 does not see its own laser spot therefore won't share it via datalink for other units." I can say that the AR-2 shares its lased target with other units.

Perhaps you meant something else. Could you please either try to explain in detail what you meant, or better could you create a video of the issue and either upload or link it here?

Thank you.

My apologies you are right, it does seem to share the LD via datalink. But i am still noticing that it doesnt show on the AR-2's sensor screen but thats not a big issue. Sorry to waste your time

Wulf closed this task as Resolved.Nov 28 2018, 5:03 PM
Wulf claimed this task.

Thank you for letting us know. Closing ticket.