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Xbox One Gun Magazine Glitch
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I’m not sure if many other people have even found this problem, but when you drop a gun in the game and take out the magazine while it is still on the ground, you can’t load another mag into the gun no matter what method you try. It’s almost like the game still registers that there is a magazine in the gun.


Operating System
Windows 10
Operating System Version
Xbox One
Steps To Reproduce

Go into inventory
Find a gun with a magazine in your inventory and drop it
While in inventory, go over to the gun in vicinity and press A on the mag (pressing Y brings the entire gun to your bag for handguns, not sure what it does with rifles)
Put the magazine into your bag or on the ground.
Pick up the gun again
Try to load a magazine into the gun through the inventory first (go over to loaded magazine and press B)
By doing the above step, it should just take you out of your inventory but nothing happens.
Try other methods of loading a magazine into the gun.

Event Timeline

Geez edited projects, added DayZ Xbox; removed DayZ.Oct 22 2018, 11:05 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Acknowledged.Oct 22 2018, 12:41 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello zToxicB1oodz and thank you for the report.
We have confirmed the issue and it has been scheduled for a fix. Also, please use the "New Dayz Xbox Bug Report" form when reporting issues from the xbox version of the game.

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Nov 21 2018, 10:35 AM
Geez claimed this task.

Hello zToxicB1oodz.
The issue has been fixed internally and will be fixed on the public version in the future.