This is a form to report an issue from the PC VERSION of the game.
! "On experimental brach servers." !
1.) I climbed up the chimney at industrial complex in vibor to get a better view. After 6 hours of running around, having everything, I died because the character could not get through the opening at the top of the platform. It just fell down.
I pressed "shift" while climbing up.
My character had a motorbike helmet, no backpack, a vest, and ak74 on the back.
2.) Sometimes it happens, if you use something from inventory like food or anything else, like loading a magazin or whatever, your aiming is different after you take your gun with the quick menu. I use to have my gun on number 2. You only can reverse that if you log in again. Or sometimes but I didnt found out yet, you can reverse it while in game. But hte thing is, if you try to aim through your scope or ironsight, sometimes the aim is to high then or sometimes to low.
3.) Take anything to eat and laydown. Your character starts to make water sounds, like if you swim.
4.) Aiming though a scope, ( PSO1 on AK74 is what I used ) if you are prone, is impossible because you dont look straight. It is like you look inside your character, or you look into the ground or something. No clear sight to your front.