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Hereby im going to post all of the bugs i have noticed and in my eyes and those of many others should be taken care of as soon as possible.

  1. as always the lobby/server search engine is flawed. it still doesnt show the correct amount of players/slots. furthermore once you select to view your previous servers it wont show them BUT it will say ie 1/450. also once you have refreshed andd looked for your previous servers it wont let you go left and select it. (probably because it is invisible). this way i have unfortunately also lost a buddy we became friends with on a server because out of the blue it decided to kick me out and i was unable to find his server again.
  1. again in the lobby/menu but this time after you exit a server my character is shown floating/swimming underwater.
  1. Many items such as magazines cannot be picked up in military tents. they are either sticking out through a table/crate or they are completely unaccessible.
  1. the ocean is TOO LOUD. nowhere near the coast and already around 700+ meters inlands i can still hear it which is rather annoying and unrealistic.
  1. it would be great if you could make the SLOTS in your inventory (backpack, jacket, pants, ...) visible!
  1. please allow more advanced management of your inventory. i mean i would like to choose specific items to store in protector cases and not only random ones. besides that once i pick up something i maybe dont want it to go directly into my protector case.
  1. i dont know why but the game always lags a bit when you change weapons. choosing to equip a weapon or store it in your backpack or switching it with another one which is in your hands.
  1. it would also be very helpful if one could SCROLL through the players list that are currently online ingame. (start-online)
  1. i once lost a fully equipped and worn condition AK because i had to leave it on the floor in order to bandage. It showed me (AK 47 PRESS X TO TAKE) but the gun was in the floor. it was very disappointing and i would suggest to elevate the stuff that is dropped on the floor. maybe it didnt let me pick it up to my hands because it was invisible.
  1. FIRING MODE is something most of the players still havent figured out yet, including myself, i just wasnt able to find the button that is needed to switch between semi auto or burst.

Thank you for reading and i hope this will help fixing the problems.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

barbupatrik triaged this task as High priority.

@Geez this might help the development process :)