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In game voice chat issues
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I have had around 2 occasions of this happening. I will be in Xbox Live Party chat prior to joining a server. Once joined the server, I came across a player who was talking to me via the game chat. I switched to game chat through the party settings and tried talking back using down on the d-pad. He couldn't hear me and continued asking if I had a mic. I assumed the fault was because I was still technically in a party, so I left the Xbox Live Party and tried talking in game again, but still it did not work.

I have previously talked in-game on a few occasions before, and they all worked, but I was never in a party before. I feel like because I joined a server whilst in an Xbox Live Party, this prevented me from using in game voice chat even if I leave the party in the same server.


Have Not Tried
Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

Join a Xbox Live Party prior to joining a server.
Join a server.
Once in, leave the Xbox Live Party.
Try talking to someone in game.
This is where they couldn't hear me.

Additional Information

On Xbox One.
Please note my microphone is fully working, and have used it to talk to people before and after this issue without any use of party chat.

Event Timeline

scottburns47 triaged this task as Normal priority.
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Sep 4 2018, 12:05 PM