I'm aware of the decision to remove the rendering of the eye cup on the PSO-1, due to the transition challenges when switching between iron sights and the scope. I agree with that decision, but really hope that the devs can give it another look much later on in development, and see what can be done.
While the removal of rendering the eye cup solves one problem, it has created the unfortunate side effect of causing another. The scope is subject to lighting glare effects that can interfere with the view, as if the eye cup was entirely removed, and not just "temporarily invisible." (see attached example picture below, taken from the r/dayz subreddit)
If there is any possible way to disable that glare on the PSO-1 and later on the PSO-1-1 without it requiring an extensive amount of dev time, it would be much appreciated.
In my opinion, disabling the glare effects on those particular scopes is just a way to simulate at least one of the actual benefits of that scope, and is something worth including in the near future. With a situation such as this one, which no doubt was a frustrating one, I think removing the glare effect is one way to keep a bit of the "authentic" experience in a situation that required removing a bit of "realism" in general.