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Stress test #39 issues
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Bugs I encountered that I have not found any recent tasks for on the tracker:

  • Cleaning hands with bottle or canteen does not work. The animation is performed but the hands are not cleaned and no water is drained from the container. 100% reproducible.
  • Fireplaces can't be placed in indoors stoves. The animation is played but the fireplace stays in your hands. Only tested in two different houses so not sure if it applies to all buildings or just certain types or locations.
  • When instead placing a fireplace on the ground/floor the character gets stuck in the position of holding the fireplace. The fireplace is correctly set on the ground, but the character is stuck in the animation and nothing can be picked up or placed in his/her hand. Logging out and back in again only way to get unlocked. 100% reproducible.
  • Drinking from wells, streams or ponds gives no hydration while drinking from containers does correctly hydrate the character. 100% reproducible.
  • Apples are not spawning at all, neither offline or online. I must have checked hundreds of trees over the last three stress tests, the spawning is just not working by all accounts.
  • Sound from the IZH18 does not correctly aggro Infected, they only react if you are very close so I cannot be sure they heard me move rather than the sound of the rifle. The sound of other guns (tested Makarov and 4-five) seem to correctly alert infected in the vicinity, but you can shoot freely with the IZH18 without aggroing the local horde.
  • Did not risk opening the inventory near a PA system or radio since I was short of time, but in last build (stress test #38) that caused a crash to desktop, 100% of the time.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Read descriptions in the bullet points.

Additional Information

Sorry I'm posting a list like this, I know you'd rather have every issue as a separate task but I just don't have the time.

Event Timeline

Beavis created this task.Aug 21 2018, 9:10 AM
Beavis added a comment.EditedAug 22 2018, 4:18 PM

Canteens and wells were fixed in test #40. Never had opportunity to test making a fire this time. Still no apples.