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Hit register, aiming bug, falling through map @ 0.63
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  1. While using melee on zombies, the blood "puff" explodes from their ankles. If you use any melee on them and hit them on the head, you'll see that the blood is coming from the ankles. ( I'm not talking about blood splatter on the ground, I'm talking about the "Hitreg" blood.. like when you use the gun on the head and you get that huge blood splat). I remember this working correctly few builds ago, where I used an axe on a Zombie and the blood was coming out either of their head or chest.. or wherever the axe "connected" with the body, so you could easily predict your next hit and adjust your aim...
  1. I died yesterday 2 times due to aiming bug, where it wont aim straight when you ADS...And you have to bring your aim up. The guns aim 30° below the chosshair. In 3rd person you can see that your character is aiming down but the crosshair is on the center of the screen. I know some people had this problem before in previous builds, this is the first time it happened to me. And it was consistent during the stress test.
  1. Altair radio tower bottom ladders make you fall through the map when you're trying to get off them.


Operating System
Windows 7
Steps To Reproduce

frequency of those problems

problem 1. (always)

problem 2. (random)

problem 3. (happened to me first time yesterday, so random)

Event Timeline