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All jets have access to Targeting Pod functionality, regardless of the presence of such pods on their models.
Acknowledged, NormalPublic


Every jet in the game can use the Ctrl + Right Click keybind to enter the targeting pod system, regardless of whether or not a targeting pod is actually modeled on the jet itself. This is a notable issue with the old jets - the Buzzard, the Neophron, and the Wipeout, which do not include targeting pods in their models but are granted the tremendous reconnaissance power of thermal sights regardless.

This can be rectified by adding the Gryphon's Targeting Pod to the Pylon system and restricting the usage of the Targeting Pod system to jets with this pod mounted or with apparently integrated pods such as the Black Wasp and the Shikra.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Feature Request
Steps To Reproduce

Enter the Virtual Arsenal, Select the Buzzard
Note the lack of Targeting Pod on the Buzzard, specifically between the cannon and the forward landing gear.
Try the buzzard, enter the Targeting Pod system with Ctrl + Right Click.
Note the 'targeting pod's' position between the cannon and the forward landing gear.

Additional Information

This is a significant issue for missions involving player-flown jets, and is an even more significant blocker for involving player-flown jets in an adversarial.
There is no SQF line (similar to DisableTIEquipment) that I know of that could resolve this issue in another way.

Event Timeline

JAKKAT created this task.May 20 2018, 12:20 PM
JAKKAT updated the task description. (Show Details)
Wulf changed the task status from New to Acknowledged.May 23 2018, 11:14 AM