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World + Inventory Screen Transition & Appearance
Reviewed, NormalPublic


With the new emphasis on interacting with items in the world and having physicality in the game, such as...

  • Loading magazines with bullets outside of Inventory.
  • Eating food outside of Inventory.
  • Applying bandages.
  • Ect. Ect. Ect.

The experience between the world + items you see in front of you and the current screen that pops up when you go to Inventory is a bit disruptive.
Feels more or less like a chore hopping back and forth between 2 screens, especially when attempting to accomplish tasks like crafting and using items.

Removing the...

  • Floating character.
  • Background screen blur.

And replacing it with a...

  • in-game depth of field background effect (EXAMPLE: Once Inventory Screen is opened, anything 10-15 steps in front of the player is blurry. More or less. Ect.)


  • Leaving the screen unobscured besides the Inventory Tabs, In Hands Tabs, Vicinity Tabs, ect.


Operating System
Windows 10
Steps To Reproduce

Going in and out of inventory while crafting, dropping, picking up items, combining items, using items, ect...

Additional Information

This isn't a bug but more a gameplay preference tweak that would benefit the experience of interacting with items & the in-game world.

Here are some rough examples I worked on.

.62 edit WITH NO simulated depth of field. No other screen obscurity other than the Inventory tabs.

.62 edit WITH simulated depth of field. No other screen obscurity other than the Inventory tabs.

Event Timeline

Alxfk created this task.Apr 26 2018, 4:11 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Apr 26 2018, 11:36 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Alxfk and thank you for your feedback.
Your suggestions have been forwarded to the design team and will be considered.

Alxfk added a comment.Apr 29 2018, 4:18 AM
This comment was removed by Alxfk.
Alxfk edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Apr 29 2018, 4:20 AM