With the new emphasis on interacting with items in the world and having physicality in the game, such as...
- Loading magazines with bullets outside of Inventory.
- Eating food outside of Inventory.
- Applying bandages.
- Ect. Ect. Ect.
The experience between the world + items you see in front of you and the current screen that pops up when you go to Inventory is a bit disruptive.
Feels more or less like a chore hopping back and forth between 2 screens, especially when attempting to accomplish tasks like crafting and using items.
Removing the...
- Floating character.
- Background screen blur.
And replacing it with a...
- in-game depth of field background effect (EXAMPLE: Once Inventory Screen is opened, anything 10-15 steps in front of the player is blurry. More or less. Ect.)
- Leaving the screen unobscured besides the Inventory Tabs, In Hands Tabs, Vicinity Tabs, ect.