Please, add environment reaction after tank shooting and explosions as engine feature instead of scripting solution with helicopter spawn. We all love the moment when the helicopter lands and grass falls down around it. But when something explodes near trees and grass, they are static. This feature can add more realism for these effects. Demonstration on YouTube. It is also necessary to add creeping dust after a shot like this: 125mm shot
- Severity
- Feature
- Resolution
- Open
- Reproducibility
- Always
- Operating System
- Windows 10 x64
- Category
- Feature Request
Steps To Reproduce
Try mission below (not require mods):
Now it use this solution:
fn_firedEffect = { _ammo = param [4,""]; if (_ammo isEqualTo "") exitWith {}; _caliber = (getNumber(configFile >> "cfgAmmo" >> _ammo >> "caliber") >= 10); if !(_caliber) exitWith {}; _veh = createVehicle ["B_Heli_Light_01_F", [0,0,10], [], 0, "FLY"]; _veh addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{0}]; _veh hideObject true; _veh setPosATL [((getPosATL (vehicle player)) select 0),((getPosATL (vehicle player)) select 1),((getPosATL (vehicle player)) select 2) + 3]; _posveh = (getPosATL _veh); _posvehZ = _posveh select 2; for "_i" from _posvehZ to (_posvehZ + 25) step 0.2 do { _veh setPosATL [(_posveh select 0),(_posveh select 1),_i]; UiSleep 0.005; }; deleteVehicle _veh; };
with eventhandler
(vehicle player) addEventHandler ["Fired",{ _this spawn fn_firedEffect; }];