Currently, I'm trying to develop module to allow two players to control a single UGV/UAV. To accomplish this I have been developing a mission that gives players an action to remoteControl the UGV. I have discovered this is possible but there is an issue which I discovered in the process. If a player is remote controlling a position in a vehicle and another player tries to take control of the same position, the first player loses control and the ability to return from remote control. I realize this is likely why the UAV terminal doesn't allow for multiple users to control the same asset. However, I believe I can develop a script that would prevent this if somethings were corrected/added.
- Add a new command that returns if a unit is being remote controlled or better yet, states who is remote controlling said unit. (Preferred)
- Update the missionnamespace variable bis_fnc_moduleRemoteControl_unit to reflect seat changes via the Action SwitchToUAVDriver or SwitchToUAVGunner
- Update the UAVControl command to return more complete values that account for multiple units in a vehicle.