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Can´t start Arma 0x000000FF -
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First. i´m from Germany so sry for my bad engish.
Launcher starts. when i select a server arma3 loading screen all normal. then blackscreen. also normal. after a few (2) seconds i can normaly see a picture but since yesterday always error.
the same error (i think) appears when i only try to select my lenguage in the launcher. or push any button. in any case the launcher closed.
Launcher Options:
Game: 1.80.143869
Branch: main
Launcher: 1.5.143751

Maybe you can help me by solving this problem.
If you need any other informations please tell me.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Windows 10 pro Version: 1709 operating system build: 16299.248
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

it happend always when i push the play button.
dont matter if i try to get in the normal game or in a server.

Additional Information

i already tryed to reinstall arma and also upgraded my drivers.

Event Timeline

Wulf added a subscriber: Wulf.Mar 2 2018, 2:34 PM


Thank you for the report. Have you tried launching the game without the IP parameter? Also try updating your graphics drivers.