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Zeus: black screen/Zeus interface not appearing for returning Zeus player
Reviewed, NormalPublic


When a Zeus player that has been forced to disconnect (for any reason) from an ongoing multiplayer mission reconnects and then selects the available Virtual player slot to return as Zeus the game will only show black screen and the Zeus interface is completely missing.
Because of this the Zeus functionality becomes unusable and only available remedy seems to be to restart the currently running mission which will return the said functionality back in working order.


Operating System
Windows 7
Zeus - General
Steps To Reproduce

Create a simple Zeus multiplayer mission with players slots for at least one playable faction and one Virtual (Zeus) entity.

For this report we will do the setting up as follows:

place a Game Master module (ModuleCurator_F) and one Virtual Entity. For this example we will use Zeus (BLUFOR) (B_VirtualCurator_F)

For Game Master module

  • add a Variable Name: ZeusGM
  • set the Owner: ZeusBLU
  • select Forced Interface in the available checkbox

For Zeus BLUFOR Virtual Entity

  • add a Variable Name: ZeusBLU
  • uncheck Player checkbox and select Playable in the available checkbox

Sync Zeus BLUFOR Virtual Entity with Game Master module.

Add a few playable slots for example for side OPFOR.

In the Edit: Multiplayer settings we will set Respawn on Custom Position and check Select respawn position and Show respawn counter and set Respawn delay to 1 second because we want to enable respawn functionality for the OPFOR players.

Export the mission to Multiplayer.

Test the mission in a dedicated server:

  • either have another player join the server so to keep the mission running and thus allowing the Zeus player to disconnect from the ongoing mission and reconnect again as one
  • or enable persistence for the server if testing alone

After joining the server and in the slot selection screen select the Virtual (Zeus) slot. Launch the mission and verify that the Zeus interface appears and everything seems to be in working order.

Now abort from the mission either moving back to the slot selection screen or completely disconnect from the server and after that reconnect to the server.

Again in the slot selection screen select the Virtual (Zeus) slot and join the ongoing mission. Observe that the screen is completely black and without Zeus interface. Only way to fix the aforementioned problem is to restart the ongoing mission (which will naturally destroy the progress made earlier during that mission).

Additional Information

Please find attached a test mission that has been created using the setup mentioned in the Steps to Reproduce section.

Event Timeline

Asmodeus created this task.Feb 4 2018, 1:13 PM
Wulf changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Feb 5 2018, 11:56 AM
Wulf added a subscriber: Wulf.


Thank you for the report! We will have a look at it.