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Launcher Updating All Mods Without Warning
Acknowledged, NormalPublic


Hello BI,

Pretty much explains itself. Whenever the launcher is opened, it seemingly decides that all Workshop mods need to be updated. There are no steps to reproduce as I know right now.

I have seen people complain about this issue on the Reddit as well, saying that it's a problem with running Arma on a separate drive, but that can't be true because it happens even when only one drive is set up with the OS.

Attached is the most recent launcher export.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version

Event Timeline

Wulf added a subscriber: Wulf.EditedJan 29 2018, 2:52 PM


It is not the launcher, but Steam that is downloading the content. We are not sure if it even is dowloading anything this is a known Steam issue so I am afraid we cannot do anything about this. You might want to try reporting it to Valve.

Wulf changed the task status from New to Acknowledged.Jan 29 2018, 2:57 PM

It is definitely downloading something, all of the files are marked as "update required" and it eats up download bandwidth.

So is this something we cannot remedy? If so, should we just do a reinstall of Steam or something?

Thanks for the help.

Wulf added a comment.Jan 30 2018, 12:39 PM


From what I know reinstalling steam might not fix this, you are welcome to try, but as I mentioned this is out of our control.