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Buggy Object: "Land_Shop_City_05_F"
Need More Info, NormalPublic


It is possible to walk the wall of the given Object: "Land_Shop_City_05_F"



Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Game Physics
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Place Object: "Land_Shop_City_05_F"
  2. Walk threw the wall as i did in the Video.
Additional Information

In my case, the Object is placed with "createVehicleLocal"

Event Timeline

Larry created this task.Dec 15 2017, 2:08 PM
Larry updated the task description. (Show Details)
Wulf changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Dec 18 2017, 12:35 PM
Wulf added a subscriber: Wulf.


Thank you for the report. Are you using any mods? because, I am trying the model with the vanilla game in the Editor and I am unable reproduce it.

Larry added a comment.Dec 20 2017, 2:41 PM

No, i'm using the vanilla game too.
The object is placed on a dedicated Server with the newest version of the game.

It's placed like that in a non-scheduled environment

_obj = "Land_Shop_City_05_F" createVehicleLocal [0,0,0];
_obj setPosATL [14514.4,16753.6,0.071373];
_obj setVectorDirAndUp [[-0.713886,-0.700262,0],[0,0,1]];
_obj enableSimulation false;
_obj allowDamage false;

Every player creates the object for himself after the initialisation

Wulf added a comment.Jan 2 2018, 12:47 PM


Tested this on a dedicated server, vanila game and via the createVehicleLocal commnad with damage and simulation disabled.

I am still not able to recreate this issue. Even the video above suggests that it is on a server of USA Life perhaps it would be good to contact them as well.

Larry added a comment.Jan 2 2018, 3:44 PM

Im on vacation, at the moment. Your suggest was right. I will be back on January 7. The Object is placed at the main Airfield near Athira. USA Life is an Altis Life Server. Server Ip: You can test it by yourselve or you wait until next weak, then i will be able to teleport you. As a ne citizen on our server you cannot go directly to the airfield. Teleportation would help in this case.

Larry added a comment.Feb 5 2025, 5:53 PM

tested in 2.18 - seems fixed.