The Binocular's crosshair shows a mills crosshair. However when measuring every 10 mills seems to be 9 or 8 mills .
At 1000m 1mill is 1 meter. so 50 meters should show 50 mills (the edge of the crosshair)
The Binocular's crosshair shows a mills crosshair. However when measuring every 10 mills seems to be 9 or 8 mills .
At 1000m 1mill is 1 meter. so 50 meters should show 50 mills (the edge of the crosshair)
put a target at 1000 meter and one 50'meters left or right if it
start scenario
pickup Binoculars
see through binoculars
put crosshair at one target
read to which line the target stands. (should be spot on 5)
At 500 meters 50 mills is 25 meters
retry the same as above but with 25 meter seperation
at 1500meters 50mills is 75 meters
you will see the reticle is too narrow, allways showing more than 50 mills.