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0xC000012F - STATUS_INVALID_IMAGE_NOT_MZ - Crash on Startup after Windows update
Closed, ResolvedPublic


After a windows update last night, every time I launch A3 (with mods or without) after a few seconds I get hit with the above error report. I've followed the steps online and had no luck so far.


Operating System
Windows 10
Game Crash
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Event Timeline

Wulf added a subscriber: Wulf.Nov 15 2017, 4:40 PM


Thank you for the report. By online steps do you mean this?

Yes, I followed all advice. I also reinstalled the game fresh. Same problem.

I have since done drive scans/repairs and had no success.

Any information from you guys?

Wulf added a comment.Nov 20 2017, 10:13 AM


Try doing the last step on the list that I send you and send us your DWI file and we will have a look at it.

I have the same Problem!

this one got the red icon:


Guess what, no improvement.
I'm going to uninstall arma soon.

Wulf added a comment.EditedNov 22 2017, 7:48 PM


I will try to guide you through it.

  1. First Download Microsoft Dependency Walker either 64 bit version or 32 bit version depends on your system.
  1. Launch it
  1. Go File>Open and find your arma3_x64.exe or arma3.exe
  1. After it finishes loading the exe file, go Files>Save and save the file.

The file you just saved is the dwi file I asked from you earlier. Please create the dwi file and upload it here so that we might figure out what your problem is.

Thank you.

My apologies, it's been a long week.

Wulf added a comment.Nov 23 2017, 10:28 AM

Alright, so from what I can see here.

Just to be sure we are going to try to uninstall the Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable package it should repair the problem.

  1. First uninstall Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable package (both x86 and x64 version)
  1. After uninstalling both, restart your computer
  1. Then install the package which you can download here.

Please do not use the Repair function it won't repair the file as the system won't recognise it as faulty.

Yeah that got it. Thank you.

Wulf closed this task as Resolved.Nov 23 2017, 12:21 PM
Wulf claimed this task.

That is great to hear. Closing the issue.