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server controlled AI non responsive on dedicated server
Need More Info, NormalPublic


Infantry AI are mainly unresponsive when handled by server. They will not move or change stance, they will engage visible targets, but will not change stance to hold / aim their weapon. (See Additional information for footage as it's difficult to explain exactly.)

The issue does not carry over to units placed in Zeus (but does still affect units spawned via sqf scripts). The issue also seems to not affect vehicles or passengers, vehicles will still move and passengers that have dismounted will act perfectly normal.


Have Not Tried
Operating System
Linux x64
Operating System Version
ubuntu 16.04
AI Issues
Steps To Reproduce

Don't have the resources at hand to properly reproduce in a controlled environment.

I'm currently running the server on ubuntu 16.04.
Issue persists both with and without external adorns, and in a number of missions.

Additional Information

Event Timeline

Japseye created this task.Oct 29 2017, 7:28 PM
Wulf changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Oct 30 2017, 12:44 PM
Wulf added a subscriber: Wulf.

Some more info is needed I am trying to reproduce the AIs behaviour via Zeus on a dedicated server. I am unable to reproduce the issue they respond as they should.

Japseye added a comment.EditedOct 30 2017, 3:07 PM

Zeus placed units act fine, it only seems to occur with units that have either been placed previously in the eden editor, or dynamically created / placed via sqf scripts.

I'm afraid there's not much more info I can give off the top of my head. The issue persists in all missions I've tried, and is consistent on the server I'm using (Though after speaking with the service provider, others are not experiencing similar issues).

If there's any specific log file you'd want dumping, I can happily provide you with that. Other than that, I'll attempt to replicate it tonight with a new download of Arma 3 Server.