When using GetIn* actions (e.g. GetInGunner or GetInCommander) passed argument turret to GetIn Event Handler is wrong (GetIn EH).
When using menu actions to get in, this argument is OK.
When using GetIn* actions (e.g. GetInGunner or GetInCommander) passed argument turret to GetIn Event Handler is wrong (GetIn EH).
When using menu actions to get in, this argument is OK.
Place player and empty tank (e.g. B_MBT_01_cannon_F) on map. Look at tank and add EH to it in console:
eh=cursorObject addEventHandler ["GetIn", {systemchat format ["%1", _this]}];
Now get in gunner/commander with menu actions and with scripting commands:
player action ["GetInGunner", cursorObject]; player action ["GetInCommander", cursorObject];
Note turret argument difference:
get in as gunner: [O Alpha 1-1:1 (D),"gunner",O Alpha 1-1:1 (D),[0]]
GetInGunner action: [O Alpha 1-1:1 (D),"gunner",O Alpha 1-1:1 (D),[]]
Possibly as side effect it breaks doors order on vehicles with configured driverDoor or cargoDoors or gunnerDoor parameters in config. Instead correct door the driver door is opened and isn't closed. Vanilla doesn't have such vehicles, but RHS and CUP have (e.g. BMP-1).