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FSAA graphical glitch (white aliasing on some edges)
Reviewed, NormalPublic



A small bug I've noticed with FSAA that can be reproduced 100%, on different machines too. Tried with nvidia 980 ti, 1080 ti, win 7 64 and win 10 64 so far. Different nvidia driver versions used as well, no change. Vanilla Arma 3, no mods.

I've only noticed this bug with edges over water so far but it's possible it can be present elsewhere in the game. Basically FSAA creates a kind of aliasing with bits of white. See picture at the bottom of this post - I put some red marks next to where the glitch is most visible.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

1: set FSAA to something other than OFF

2: open the editor, load Tanoa map (Tanoa water triggers the bug but not Altis or Stratis that I've seen), put down a helicopter (I recommend Hummingbird / Pawnee) over water or close to it and play as the pilot.

3: look at your feet and the edges of the instrument panel when flying over water.

Additional Information

This happens with any level of FSAA (2,4,8) and never happens when it's off, does not happen with supersampling either. I tried messing around with various graphical settings but it's always there, I generally play with everything on ultra + sharpen 100 and FXAA ultra (the settings used in the screenshot).


Event Timeline

Wulf changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Aug 31 2017, 2:25 PM