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[Renderer] Northern region of Severograd causes severe FPS drops.
Assigned, NormalPublic



During my last playthrough I noticed that northern region of Severograd causes huge framerate drops.
Temperature of both CPU and GPU were normal, so that wasn't hardware throttling. Other places run 60+ fps with eventual drops down to 50-55.

This is the only place since the forest update that has so terrible performance (so far).

PC specs:

In-game settings:


Operating System
Windows 7 x64
Operating System Version
Build 7601; Professional; Service Pack 1
Steps To Reproduce

It just happens.

Additional Information

Quick footage made while around given area:

Area highlighted (based on DayZTV Map) in attached file.

Event Timeline

Tazer created this task.Aug 4 2017, 3:47 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Aug 7 2017, 1:13 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Tazer and thank you for the report.
We have been testing the issue internally but so far we have been unable to reproduce the issue.
Do you experience this issue on every server and with various server populations? Does this issue occur on both experimental and stable versions?

Tazer added a comment.EditedAug 8 2017, 11:25 AM


This is a community server: Tatort Chernarus (ip:; Stable branch.

It occurs under any circumstances, however, after investigating it a bit further it turns out that frames drop immediately when Double Red House and Church are both rendered. To bring the fps back you have to make about a 130 degree turn so that they aren't rendered anymore.

Comparison between looking at direction where Church is vs looking elsewhere (when these buildings aren't rendered); small fps counter top left on images:

Geez added a comment.Aug 8 2017, 3:40 PM

Thank you Tazer.
We have checked the area on the server you have provided but still were unable to reproduce the issue. Can you please check if you are experiencing the issue also on other servers and on the experimental version? Also, have you tried removing the contents of your C:\Users\*username*\Documents\DayZ / changing your video settings to see if it has any effect on the behaviour of the issue?

Tazer added a comment.Aug 8 2017, 5:26 PM

Changing video settings didn't have any effect on performance there.

I haven't deleted Documents\DayZ contents for years, I guess even 0.4x cfg files are there.
I will delete them and re-visit this area today or tomorrow and tell how it turns out.

Tazer added a comment.EditedAug 13 2017, 2:46 PM

Sorry for late response, I wasn't at home for few days.
Finally made my way back there, being killed few times in process.

FPS drops are gone, at least at the moment. Only minor drops left due to trees being loaded, but that's normal and doesn't refer to the problem.

Footage: (YouTube is processing the video, not sure when 1080p will be available)

I will keep an eye on sudden performance drops on this server.
Ticket can be closed.

Cheers !

Geez changed the task status from Need More Info to Assigned.Aug 14 2017, 11:21 AM

Thank you Tazer.
We will keep the ticket open for now (as it is possible that the issue may re-appear in the future), please let us know here in case you come across the issue again in the future.