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DayZ crashes to desktop on joining first server of startup.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


DayZ will crash to desktop as I join a game. Example. I start up in 32 or 64 bit, click Connect on a server and if there is no queue I crash. If there is a queue line I crash as I come into game and have to wait for the queue before crashing to desktop. SayZ starts on its own after an "Enfusion Engine, I'm still alive" and then I can join a game just fine. If I join any random server, and then attempt to join the one I want with a queue line, it works fine on the second join, so it is not server specific, just DayZ specific. I provided a video of it as it happens.....


Operating System
Windows 10
Operating System Version
Home Premium
Steps To Reproduce

Join a DayZ server.

Additional Information

I have tried: Reformatting, replacing SSD drives in RAID0, Reinstalling DayZ repeatedly, Deleting crash and error folders, using a fresh set of configuration files, praying, closing all other tasks, and simply waiting for a fix that has not come.

2 Samsung 950 EVO's in Raid0
970 GTX Gigabyte Windforce on latest drivers.
Asus Z97-Pro Gamer Motherboard with all latest firware and drivers
OBS Studio always running.
AutoHotKey always running
Onboard Mobo's Intel 4600 video and a GTX 460 each with 2 or 3 monitors on them for a 6 monitor display.

I love this game, the immersion. I have over 10,000 hours logged, please fix the crashing.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Jun 26 2017, 4:44 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello northofnowhere2 and thank you for the report.
When the crashes occur, are there any new files being created in the C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Local\DayZ folder? If so, please upload them to this ticket. If not, can you to open your *username*.dayzprofile.062 file located in C:\Users\*username*\Documents\DayZ and check if the battleyeLicense is set to 1? (battleyeLicense=1; should be correct). Also, can you check if there is an extra process (for example, dayz.exe, dayzbe.exe and similar) showing up in the task manager right upon the game re-launches itself after the first crash?

I watched the task manager while it happened, and there was only one DayZ.exe at a time, but there were two distinct BattlEye Launcher (32 bit)'s listed for about two seconds. The BE License is set to 1. Files requested uploaded. It happened just now if that helps read the files and logs.

Geez added a comment.Jun 27 2017, 10:41 AM

Thank you northofnowhere2.
On the video it is shown that you are launching the game through a shortcut on your desktop, does the issue also occur if you launch the game through Steam?

IF I use my 64 bit shortcut on the desktop, or a 32 bit shortcut I copied, or click on the actual application files located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ it does this crash, but you are correct, if launched in 32 or 64 bit mode directly from Steam it does not crash. Thank you for the workaround btw, but still a weird bug.

Geez closed this task as Resolved.Jun 27 2017, 2:52 PM
Geez claimed this task.

Hello northofnowhere2.
Glad this has helped. It is actually not a bug, When the game launches through steam, it launches the game and the battleye client. By creating a direct executable it did launch the client but did not launch the be client. When the server checked for battleye the moment you have connected, it did not find it running and force restarted your game with the battleye client running. If you would like to launch the game from a desktop shortcut, you can use the dayz_be.exe to create the shortcut and then add "-exe DayZ_x64.exe" parameter to the shortcut (or just -exe DayZ_x64.exe, depending on which executable you want to launch).