This problem is related to the issue discussed in Ticket T74993, "Saved games go missing". That ticket was fixed and closed, but the problem of saved games disappearing (not able to Resume a scenario) still exists if ARMA 3 shuts down in a bad way (ARMA crashes, computer crashes, power outage, hit the rest button, etc.).
The problem is related to failing to "Save and Exit" when exiting a scenario. When you load ARMA 3 and resume a single player scenario, it deletes the "continue.Arma3Save" in your "Saved" folder (while you are playing the scenario). Normally, when you exit the scenario, you would click the "Save and Exit" button and it recreates the continue.Arma3Save file. This file is just a save game file, like all your other save game files. If this file is missing, then you cannot resume your Scenario even though the save games are all still there. Instead of getting a "Resume" button on the Scenario screen, you just get a Play button as if the saved games are gone.