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Drawdown FPS (strong freezing) when meeting with the player and when shooting. Просадка FPS (сильный заморозка) при встрече с игроком и при стрельбе.
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When another player is near, DayZ begins to freeze. When shooting, too, it freezes and sags fps to zero. This problem really hinders the gameplay. Take time to arrange this problem. And do not write I do not read that "This is a known issue and it is scheduled for a fix" and the like. This is an empty answer to all the problems of dayz. Read and try to solve the problem with the performance of the game in such moments. This problem began after the transition to new lighting. DayZ settings are considered to be minimal.

The same problem my friend has.

При нахождение другого игрока рядом DayZ начинает фризить. При стрельбе тоже фризит и проседает fps до нуля. Это проблема очень мешает гемплею. Уделите время устранению этой проблемы. И не надо писать не читаю то что "Мы решим эту проблему" и тому подобное. Это пустой ответ на все проблемы dayz. Вчитайтесь и постарайтесь решить проблему с производительностью игры в таких моментах. Эта проблема началась после перехода на новое освещение. Настройки DayZ подчти минимальны.

Такая же проблема и у моего друга.


Operating System
Windows 7 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

Falling fps and freezing.

Падение fps и фризинг.

Additional Information

My PC:
Videocard - ati radeon hd 7770 1Gb.
Processor - i3 6100.
Memory - 8 Gb.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.May 30 2017, 9:37 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello shpastafarianinmonster and thank you for the report.
Are you experiencing this issue on the stable or experimental version? And does the issue occur on both executables (64bit/32bit)? Also, would it be possible for you to record a video of the issue for us?

Mr_Fun added a subscriber: Mr_Fun.May 30 2017, 11:19 AM

I have also been suffering with a 1fps major game freeze.

I have not been able to replicate this as it seems to happen at random times however, I noticed on Friday it happened on login x2. But it has also happened when running through open fields

In the past, if low fps happened, I could look at the ground and it would recover, but this does not recover. It will stay at 1 fps until a player or infected kills you. I usually have to CTRL ALT DEL out of the game to kill the application.

I will try and get a video of this, but it could be related to what shpastafarianinmonster is experiencing