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getPlayerUID doesn't work on dedicated server while briefing (since 1.70)
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While briefing time getPlayerUID called by a dedicated server returns "" instead of SteamID -- for those players who reconnected or connected to the briefing after its start.
For those players who started to the briefing simultaneously with the server getPlayerUID works just fine.


Operating System
Windows 7
Dedicated Server
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Create in the mission folder initPlayerServer.sqf containig
diag_log format["JIP = '%1' / Briefing ID = '%2'",_this select 1,getPlayerUID (_this select 0)];
  1. Run dedicated server, setting presistent=1 or ask somebody to stay on the server while you disconnected
  2. Run mission to the briefing
  3. Go to the lobby by leaving the briefing and reconnect
  4. Disconnect from the server and reconnect to the briefing again
  5. Start the game and reconnect

Doing so you will see
step 3: JIP = false / Briefing ID = _STEAM ID HERE_
step 4,5: JIP = false / Briefing ID = ""
step 6: JIP = true / Briefing ID = _STEAM ID HERE_ - everything is fine after game starts

REPRO mission:

Additional Information

getPlayerUID in briefing time was such a nice stuff to create whitelists for players, restricting immediately some roles, side changes while the player is in connection stage.

Event Timeline

maxya created this task.May 26 2017, 5:16 PM
maxya edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)May 26 2017, 5:19 PM