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Throttle not recognized correctly in Black WASP
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the Black WASP needs some tweaking regarding the usage of a throttle.
I got a CAD $ 500 Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog and in the CSAT Jet I can just push the throttle a little in order to get some speed and taxi towards the launch catapult or runway.
When using the Black WASP I need first to use the keyboard in order to get to 100% once for 2 seconds. Then I'm able to use the throttle like on the CSAT


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

1.) Launch ArmA 3 Dev Branch
2.) Place Black WASP
3.) Play

Event Timeline

Aebian created this task.May 1 2017, 11:45 AM
Aebian added a comment.May 1 2017, 1:38 PM
This comment was removed by Aebian.

Dev Version: 1.71,141530

Issue still present with all Black WASP planes. As soon as the throttle is down to zero and your plane stopped you only get your throttle working when first use the keyboard (NON-ANALOG) to add some trust

oukej added a subscriber: oukej.May 3 2017, 10:48 PM

I see the problem: The jets have a parking brake that gets applied to the plane.
I tried to release it with the brake button (the new one) and via analouge methods but that doesn't work.
If you turn of the engine the rudders will go back to the position as they would if the brakes where released.
If you turn the engine then on again the rudders will move again as if you would go full brake.

Only way to release them so far is to use the keyboard and go digital thrust. No way via analouge

Issue still present

["Arma 3","Arma3",171,141730,"Development",true,"Windows","x64"]

Did you try Stable version? Does it happen everytime or only in some spcific situations? (e.g. happens in a custom mission but in editor - VR it does not)

it happens everywhere. Tried on different maps (Vanilla ones). You only need to reach zero km/h after you started the plane. Then a parking brake gets applied which can only be released by pressing the digital thrust increase key.

["Arma 3","Arma3",170,141764,"Stable",false,"Windows","x64"]

Just tested on Stable this second. Issue seems fixed

Still happens on the newest stable version. So it is not fixed.

It is not limited to the Black WASP. Tested this also successfully with a A-164 Wipeout (NATO Futuristic A-10)